Orientation of Staff for the Specialized Teaching Practice

Category : EVENT & TRAINING | Sub Category : Training Posted on 2023-03-27 00:00:00

Orientation of Staff for the Specialized Teaching Practice

TeCETEL on 27th  March, 2023 conducted an orientation session for staff members who would be involved in the specialized teaching practice supervision using the Kobocollect tool. Kobocollect is a digital tool designed to facilitate data collection and management, which can be particularly useful for monitoring and evaluating teaching practices.

During the orientation, participants were introduced to the features and functionalities of the Kobocollect tool, including how to use it for conducting specialized teaching practice supervision. The session included a demonstration of the tool, highlighting its benefits and how it can simplify the process of supervision and data collection.

The orientation session was interactive, allowing participants to ask questions and seek clarification on any aspects of the Kobocollect tool or the teaching practice supervision process. This interactive approach helps ensure that participants fully understand how to use the tool effectively and feel confident in applying it in their work.

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